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MID VARIACOR, markets a freely adjustable ball joint, facilitating the use of all types of hydraulic tools. These innovative couplings, internationally patented, similar to “gimbals” through which fluid can pass, make the supply hoses of hydraulic tools flexible and adjustable. This results in the elimination of untimely windings of the pipe which is now ideally positioned and the reduction of its premature wear by the elimination of repeated bends. With less effort generated by the rigidity of the hose, this connection notably facilitates work in hard-to-reach places and reduces tendinitis and other MSDs.

Thus the comfort of the user and the ergonomics of the workstation are improved.

These fittings are currently available for service pressures of 250 and 630 bar in 4 and 6mm bore diameters. The internal passage is constant from the inlet to the outlet, thus optimizing the flow and limiting pressure drops.

These compact and robust fittings are available with many connections such as BSP, NPT, Metric, etc.

Assembly, fastening
The Variacor® coupling is currently available in a hydraulic range ( HydroVariacor ) , through a modular system for the installation, orientation and positioning of spray nozzles (SpraVariacor) , a watering hose for machine tools   ( ArrosaVariacor ) , a dynamic connection device for fluids and gases   ( DynaVariacor )   and all-f...