MDL standardized guide elements for the design of column block guide systems
MDL a range of standardized components for the construction of die sets for cutting tools and press tools.
MDL is a registered trademark, property of AMDL Scop SA
AMDL Scop SA is a leading manufacturer, of die sets and standard parts for die sets making and press tools design, marketed on the registered trademarks MDL and Porter Besson.
Technical details
Link to technical data of MDL guide elements for the design of column block guide systems in the construction of press tools and cutting tools.
Administrative documents

Scop AMDL (Atelier Mécanique de la Lauch) is an industrial cooperative and participatory company, born at the end of 2022, from the takeover by around thirty of its employees of the company MDL-Europe. AMDL is the manufacturer and owner of the MDL and Porter-Besson brands specializing in standardized components (according to AFNOR, CNOMO, DIN an...