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Additive manufacturing and 3D printing

67 results for Additive manufacturing and 3D printing

In the past, additive manufacturing was solely used for rapid prototyping. Now, however, it has taken an important place in industries. This is because it revolutionizes the manufacturing of certain products, especially in the aviation, automotive and medical sectors. 

A few definitions

Additive printing is a revolutionary technology which allows three-dimensional objects to be created from simple digital files. Parts are created by superimposing of layers of materials which can be plastics or metals.

3D printing technology offers numerous benefits. Among other things, it can be used to create parts with more complex shapes at a more affordable price. Additive 3D printing can thus be used to manufacture industrial tools, to create components in small series or to create highly customizable products.

Categories of Additive Manufacturing & 3D Printing equipment

 Firstly, there are machines such as metal 3D printers which you can use to carry out your metal additive manufacturing projects.

Suppliers also offer other devices and accessories such as hand-held scanners for digitization, electric turntables, UV chambers for solidification of printed objects, and extruders. 

There are companies which offer to design your parts in 3D. They can also help you in the pre-design studies. This is the case with Revoluplast, a company specializing in the manufacturing of plastic casings.

Our referenced exhibitors

On the platform, you will be able to discover a wide range of devices and products dedicated to additive manufacturing & 3D printing. The long list of exhibitors includes, for example, CPL (Composites des Pays de la Loire), Anjou Maquettes Prototypes and Conexma. Our community also includes experts from consulting and engineering firms.