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Suction cup for handling fragile plastic bags - BGX


This new suction cup has been specifically developed for handling fragile bags. The BGX Bag Suction Cup has been specially designed to be the perfect bag gripper for fragile and very large bags, meeting the needs presented by this application. The suction cup lip has exceptional sealing capabilities, even at low vacuum levels.

The suction cup is made in one piece and has two bellows. It easily picks bags of different sizes, with secure and stable product grip in fast and semi-rapid robotic applications.

Technical details

BGX suction cups are made of blue silicone approved by the FDA and EU for direct contact with food, and they are also suitable for high and low temperature applications. The suction cup can be configured by choosing from three lip diameter sizes of 34, 41 and 48 mm, as well as six different aluminum push-in fittings, designed to securely attach to the suction cups' solid neck.

The BGX suction cup is suitable for applications in e-commerce, consumer packaged goods (CPG), processed food processing, fashion and more where bags are handled.

We specialize in automated process components and solutions to deliver gripping, lifting and moving applications to our customers across all industries, with particular attention to packing and packaging, food and beverage, pharmaceutical industry, chemical industry, logistics and warehousing, plastics and automotive.

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