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5axesMO Maintenance D?pannage machines-outils

Oil and smoke filtration system


5axesMO: official reseller in the west of France for the supply of peripheral systems adapted to the operation of the refrigeration and filtration process of the machine tool on behalf of the company SEI FILTRATION.

5axesMo can offer you a solution for the filtration of mists and fumes caused by machining or grinding, the treatment of cutting fluids and the upgrading of sludge and machining chips. A personalized study developed according to your specifications and our know-how, allows us to offer you an installation that fully meets your needs.

5axesMO Maintenance D?pannage machines-outils
Machining and material removal
My priority being the maintenance, troubleshooting, geometry of machine tools on CN Fanuc, Mitshubishi, Heidenhain - Western reseller of oil mist and smoke filtration as well as dust on behalf of SEI FILTRATION. - Implementation and sale of WERMA production monitoring - Dismantling, renovation and reassembly of your spindles in partnership with ...