ES fixed jaws for multiple clamping system
The ES fixed jaws are positioned on the slides depending on the clamping situation. The teeth ensure a secure connection by tightening the fixing screw. High clamping forces of the clamping elements can thus be tolerated. Thanks to its narrow design, the ES fixed jaw is particularly suitable for clamping with small workpieces and large quantities. This makes it possible to machine large series economically.
Advantages: The side scale on the slides and the fixed jaws allow the positions of the fixed stops to be precisely adjusted.
Matter :
Tool steel.
Finishing :
Hardened and ground (HRC 55 ±2).
Note: There are three versions of fixed jaws to choose from:
- Natural version, form A for pre-machined parts.
- Striated version, shape B for raw parts.
- Offset clamping jaws, C shape for clamping with a small clamping edge.
The lateral mounting holes are used to fix the stops. The two mounting holes on the support surfaces allow the mounting of two additional universal supports for an optimum clamping depth of the workpieces. Technical data: The maximum clamping force and the tightening torque for each width of the product ranges 41510, 41510-10 and 41510-20 must be observed