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Giugni SpeedyTimber Marker/coder by automatic stamp.


The Speedy Timber has been designed to mark flat surfaces of stationary products. Brought to you by ROBELMARK, It can be used on any machine or automatic line, with step-by-step operation. The particular inking system allows the use of fast-drying inks which guarantee excellent hold on non-porous materials (glass, plastics, steel). The entire marking cycle takes place in automatic mode. The character plate is actuated by a pneumatic cylinder. From its standby position (inking), it performs a 90° rotation/translation and presses the surface to be marked. The Speedy Timber is equipped with an adjustment system with micro-metric screw allowing to precisely adjust the support of the characters on the part. - Automotive - Agrifood - Pharmaceuticals - Metallurgy / steel industry.

Technical details

Weight 2 kg Temperature min. operating temperature 5°C Max. operating temperature 45°C Pneumatic supply pressure Min. 5 / Max. 8 Bar Pneumatic operating pressure Min. 1.5 / Max. 3 Bar Air consumption 5 Nl / min Dimension of wafer printing area 40 36 x 36 mm Dimension of wafer printing area 50 48 x 48 mm

Handling, Logistics, Storage, Lifting
Since 1997, ROBELMARK has specialized in industrial inkjet marking and coding equipment. Collaborations with several major European and international specialists allow us to regularly offer high-performance and innovative products to our customers. Many sectors of activity trust us such as automotive, aviation, defence, metallurgy, construction ...

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