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TR2T - Drill guard


Polycarbonate TR2T type guard with or without microswitch.

The guard is installed on the machine tool. It respects the ergonomics of the workstation and the comfort of the operator.

The protective screen protects against any projection (chips, tool breakage, etc.). It must neither be subjected to temperature variations nor come into contact with incandescent chips or particularly acidic lubricating fluids (high concentrations).

The micro switch is used to stop the machine when the hood is in the "open" position.

The specificity of this protector is that it fully protects the chuck.

A sliding polycarbonate screen allows the height of the protection to be adjusted.

Technical details

Screen height: 130 mm

Screen width: 220 mm

Total height (mm): 500 mm

Material: Polycarbonate

Micro switch: YES

Machining and material removal
Company specializing in compliance of machine tools and special machines in compliance with Decree 93/40 and the European standards in force. For more than 20 years, we have been developing solutions for the safety of operators in their working environment. Our teams work on all types of machines, traditional or special, throughout France and ne...

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