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Services and company layout
Postcode 16160
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Services and company layout
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Presentation of the supplier

The Smart Industry Agency was born from an observation: the vast majority of companies have neither the skills nor the time necessary to carry out their Industry 4.0 project.

Our main objective is therefore to support these companies in the different stages of their Operational Digitalization project.

In order to best advise our clients in their digital strategy, we carry out an inventory of the existing situation, an analysis of their needs and expectations, then we support them in the implementation of their new tool(s). s) and train their teams in their use.

These preliminary steps are essential to give these companies the means to precisely monitor their production, improve quality and manage maintenance and traceability by using the associated data in order to establish consistent indicators to boost their overall performance and their productivity.

At the same time, our dedicated IT team advises companies on optimizing and securing their infrastructure, whether as part of an operational digitalization project, or for the purpose of optimizing and securing information systems. (cybersecurity).

IT security must be an integral part of today's infrastructure. We support the protection of our customers' infrastructure and servers in a preventive or curative way.

Because each company is unique, our Project Managers – Operations (OPS) or IT (IT) – select the solutions best suited to the needs identified. And it is to guarantee this objectivity that the Smart Industry Agency has chosen not to be remunerated on the solutions, services or materials emanating from our partners.

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