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Creaform Releases the HandySCAN 3D | SILVER Line-Up

Creaform Releases the HandySCAN 3D | SILVER Line-Up

Creaform launches the product line, the HandySCAN 3D series | SILVER

Adding the SILVER Series to the popular line of handheld 3D scanners will allow professionals and small businesses to improve product development, reduce time to market and reduce development costs.

Fontaine, March 3, 2021Creaform , the global leader in automated and portable 3D measurement solutions and engineering services, today announced a new addition to its HandySCAN 3D product line, the SILVER Series . With over 5,000 users already, this patented, proven and trusted technology is the industry standard for metrology-grade handheld 3D scanners and will now be available at an affordable price for professionals looking to grow their business by acquiring state-of-the-art measurement solutions.

Developed and manufactured in North America, the SILVER Series captures highly accurate and repeatable 3D measurements of any complex surface anywhere. It represents the best value for money on the market and is supported by a global team of engineers and technicians.

The SILVER series offers a versatile professional 3D scanner, with all the features that have made HandySCAN 3D scanners the benchmark in the industry

  • Quality optics: Provides reliable and optimized scanning quality with an accuracy of up to 0.030 mm
  • 7 laser crosses: Can quickly capture surfaces in the entire field of view with a scanning area of 275 x 250 mm
  • Versatility: One device for all shapes and sizes, masters various objects regardless of part size, complexity, material or color
  • "Plug and play": Simple user interface and real-time visualization provide ease of use and a short learning curve, regardless of user experience and level of expertise
  • Anytime scanning: Portable, lightweight and quick to set up, it can be up and running in less than 2 minutes whether in-house or on-site
  • Available in 2 models: Customers can choose between two models depending on the needs of their businesses: HandySCAN 307 at 17,400 EURO or HandySCAN 700 at 25,900 EURO.

“For professionals who need to quickly adapt to their customers' needs and provide them with better answers to their questions, a reliable 3D scanning solution is essential,” explains Simon Côté, product manager at Creaform. “The possibilities offered by collecting such precise data can open the door to new projects and strengthen partnerships with existing customers. It cannot be overstated that 3D scanning and printing technologies have become vital for all small and medium-sized businesses.”

Le 13 avril 2021 par Creaform - Ametek

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