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Avoiding infections caused by pathogens is a major concern in some environments e.g. hospitals, medical practices, rehabilitation centers and sports halls, the pharmaceutical and food industries or when it comes to equipment for people with reduced mobility and street furniture in public places. In this article we will discuss the topic of self-sanitation against bacteria and fungi and discover the pathologies against which the components of the SAN line from ELESA can protect us.

To meet this need, ELESA has developed a range of technopolymer components for self-sanitizing containing inorganic antimicrobial additives based on silver ions (without active pharmaceutical ingredients, antibiotics or pesticides) which, by penetrating into the surface of the cell, attack its DNA, thus preventing the proliferation of undesirable organisms such as microbes, bacteria and fungi.
The metal inserts are made of STAINLESS steel for effective corrosion resistance.

The silver particles contained in the mass of special technopolymer are distributed throughout the material and not just on the surface, which allows the self-sanitizing antimicrobial effect to be maintained unchanged throughout the life cycle of the components, even in the presence
surface abrasion.
Designed to be mounted on medical and hospital equipment, on devices for rehabilitation and people with reduced mobility, on machinery for the pharmaceutical industry, on street furniture and in public places, these components are free of toxic side effects. They offer resistance to corrosion, humidity and detergents used during eventual disinfection, however mandatory by law in certain types of environments.

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  1. They penetrate the cell surface
  2. They block the enzyme system
  3. They attack the DNA of the microbe, preventing it from reproducing

The controlled release mechanism of the silver ions allows the inalterability of the antimicrobial characteristics to be safeguarded over time, even after numerous washing cycles, constituting a guarantee of the antimicrobial characteristic of the SAN - Antimicrobial line .


The pathogens tested and the main infections associated with them are listed below. Laboratory tests have shown that 98.9% of the bacterial load is eliminated in 24 hours.
Antimicrobial are supplied with a Certificate of Conformity "Antimicrobial Property of Materials", obtained following tests carried out on samples of materials in accredited laboratories, in accordance with the ISO 22196:2011 standard (Measurement of antibacterial activity on plastics and other non- porous surfaces) which derives from JIS Z 2801.

*The tests were carried out at CSI Spa, a laboratory recognized and accredited by ACCREDIA at national and international level. The laboratory complies with the requirements of the UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17025 standard. Certificate identifier: C0144\FPM\FOOD\19

Le 19 juin 2023 par ELESA FRANCE

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